As a parent, it can be worrying to have doubts about your child's development. If you have observed that your child is not reaching certain milestones or experiencing difficulties with certain skills, it may be worth considering Early Intervention services. However, determining if your child is eligible for these services can be a confusing process. In this blog post, we will outline the steps you can take to determine if your child is eligible for Early Intervention services and what you can expect during the evaluation process.

The first step in determining if your child is eligible for Early Intervention services is be referred to the Early Intervention office where you live. Once the referral is made, the child will be assigned a Service Coordinator who will be responsible to manage the case. The service coordinator will contact the family and help set up evaluations for the child. Evaluations are typically conducted by a team of professional teachers and therapists who assess the child based on areas of concern (cognitive, communication, self-care, gross/fine motor, social-emotional and/or sensory processing).

It's important to keep in mind that the evaluation process is designed to be non-invasive and child-friendly. Evaluators will often come to your home or any other location that is comfortable and relaxing for your child. Evaluations are often conducted via a play-based approach, with evaluators utilizing assessment tools to gather information from talking to you and observing your child as they navigate their natural environment.

Based on the information gathered during the evaluation, the team will determine if your child is eligible for Early Intervention services. To be found eligible, your child must have a pre-existing condition that automatically qualifies them for services or they must demonstrate delay or disability in one or more areas of development.

If your child is found eligible for Early Intervention, a team of professionals will work with you and your child to develop an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). This plan will outline the specific services and supports that your child will receive, as well as the goals for their development. Theservices that can be provided to your child are based on their individualized needs and may include therapy, special education, and family support.

In conclusion, Early Intervention services can provide your child with the necessary tools and support they need to reach their full potential. If you have any concerns about your child's development, don't hesitate to consult with your pediatrician or contact your local Early Intervention program for more information. Remember that early identification and Early Intervention are vital for the best outcome for children with developmental delays or disabilities.